This is Mr. Levy's first discovery. He later teamed up with
the Shoemakers and discovered many comets. This is the most memorable comet
to me, particularly because it appeared when I had just begun working at
Geisei Observatory. This comet is also memorable, as it was the first comet
I had ever photographed on Kodak's Technical Pan film. It replaced the
expensive 103a-O and other photographic plates and contributed enormously
to discovery of a large number of minor planets at Geisei Observatory.
I watched Comet Levy-Rudenko in the 20cm refractor soon after
its discovery. Both on November 16 and 17 it was at 10th magnitude with
a somewhat diffused, 3'- to 5'-diameter coma. It is not well known, however,
that, according to the then Yamamoto Circular No. 2029, there was an independent
discoverer in Japan on November 13. However, his name was not given to
the comet due to a possible delay in reporting the discovery.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which was discovered in 1993, presented
the amazing heavenly shows with the fragmented nuclei of the comet hitting
Jupiter one after another.
Copyright © 2005 Tsutomu Seki.