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Memorable Comets

<Comet Hyakutake>

Many great comets have appeared in the month of March. For example, Comet Klinkenberg/Klinkerfues in the 18th century, which was depicted in a painting with a reflection of its six tails on a mountain lake. Comet West also appeared in pre-dawn skies of March with three bright tails. And, of course, Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered in March 1998, which is still fresh in our memory. In this article I describe Comet Hyakutake, which was seen shining beautifully in March 1997. Hyakutake was most memorable for its blue ion tails rather than dust tails.
This photo was taken by 21cm-f/3.0ε astrograph. The beauty of this blue comet was almost beyond description.

[Comet Hyakutake (March 1997)]
Comet Hyakutake (March 1997)

Copyright (C) 2000 Tsutomu Seki.